Page Layout and Typography for Writers and Editors

What Need for Design the writer said

Rationale: More than ornate frill, the design of a page can make written words sing or disappear. But if something is well written, WHY does it need design help?

It is not that writing requires design help. It is that placing words on a page is already designing the page. For a writer, intuitive placement is always an option, but there are some design principles that can be useful to writers when intuition is not enough.

Writing systems vary, but a good page is not hard to recognize, whether it comes from Tang Dynasty China, the Egyptian New Kingdom or Renaissance Italy. The principles that unite these different schools of design are based on the structure and scale of the human body—the eye, the hand, and the forearm in particular—and on the invisible but no less real, no less demanding and no less sensuous anatomy of the human mind.

Robert Bringhurst1The Elements of Typographic Style, version 3.2, 2008:10.

For those who write for a living and often only have a little time to think about the layout and typography of a page, this site is a place to drop in and pick up a few page-design things to think about, with resources and other people to search out. I am only the tracker to a longer road of wonderful stuff in the design world today to look at and to read.

  1. Bringhurst, Robert. The Elements of Typographic Style, version 3.2. Canada: Hartley & Marks, 2008:10.
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